Saturday, 29 August 2009


Set up a client to update this blog pn my iPhone! This ensures more musing :-)


Rat Cow Software is a little "company" I've been pondering setting up for a while. It is more of an informal arrangement, rather than hard and fast factual company. I hope to publish useful software development thingies on this blog, post links to stuff I've written (free, Free/Libre, and stuff that will cost money..) There will be the option to buy my software here, links to a repository for software than I've developed and open sourced and probably a lot of little demo projects and things I'll shove up to give more flesh to my articles. I'll also put up a PayPal donate link.

I'm also going to set up a Google Code repository for my free software, a link to which will follow!

Phew! Feels good to "arrive" at this point, and lets see what transpires :-)